Scoring Guidelines

2024 Hainan Free Trade Port Women's Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
Preliminary and Final Scoring Criteria

1、 Innovation Group Scoring Rules

Scoring PointsReview content and scoring criteriaScore
Product/Service1. Unique innovation of the product: Evaluating whether the product or service has significant differentiation characteristics and can bring new experiences and value to consumers will be a key factor in determining its market acceptance and competitiveness
2. Technological progressiveness and competitive advantage: check whether the core technology on which the product or service depends is in the forefront of the industry and whether it has obvious competitive advantages, such as patented technology, efficient process or unique design
3. Development planning and goal positioning: Evaluate whether there is a clear and practical production or service development strategy, as well as a precise grasp of the target customer group, which will directly affect the smooth implementation and success of the business.
Team situation1. Professional quality of the team: Consider whether team members have educational backgrounds and rich work experience in relevant fields, which will ensure the professional level of project execution and problem-solving ability
2. Team collaboration and skill complementarity: Evaluating whether the division of labor within the team is clear and effective, and whether the skills of members can form good complementarity, is crucial for the efficient operation and innovation of the project
3. Organizational Structure and Ownership Distribution: Examining whether a company's organizational structure design is scientific, and whether the division of property rights and equity is fair and reasonable, has a significant impact on the company's long-term stability and decision-making efficiency.
Business Model and Marketing1. Innovative business models and their implementation potential: Evaluate whether the business model is novel, sustainable for achieving profitability, and has practical application possibilities in the current market environment
2. Market insight and trend grasp: Consider whether detailed market research has been conducted and whether the product or service can accurately understand industry trends and consumer needs, which determines whether the product or service can occupy a favorable position in competition
3. Marketing Strategy and Economic Benefits: Evaluate whether the marketing strategy has been carefully considered, cost control is reasonable, pricing strategy is effective, and marketing channels are unobstructed to ensure effective customer reach and sales conversion.
Financial Status and Financing Plan1. Stable cash flow and financial security: Examining a company's cash flow situation and whether it has sufficient sustainable funding sources to support future development are important indicators for measuring the healthy operation of the enterprise
2. Successful operational examples: Providing actual performance or successful cases of products/services can enhance investors' confidence in the project's prospects, prove its market adaptability and profitability
3. Future Financial Expectations and Growth Potential: Elaborate on the financial forecast for the next three years, including revenue, profit, and key costs, as well as the growth analysis based on these forecasts, which can help evaluate the likelihood of investment returns
4. Project valuation and financing strategy: Clearly display the project valuation and reasonable financing plan, including required funds, expected investment returns, and equity structure arrangements, which are crucial for attracting investors.
Intellectual Property Protection and Risk Management1. Strengthen the intellectual property protection system: Emphasize that enterprises have comprehensively protected their core technologies and products, ensuring effective legal protection of intellectual property rights through forms such as trademark registration, patent application, and copyright registration
2. Institutionalization of intellectual property management: It indicates that the company has a sound intellectual property management system, including policies, processes, and compliance operations, to safeguard the innovation achievements of the enterprise from infringement
3. Risk identification and management strategies: Demonstrate the sensitivity of the enterprise to potential intellectual property risks during the entrepreneurial process, such as competitor imitation, infringement behavior, etc., as well as the preventive and response measures formulated, demonstrating the maturity of risk management.
On site performance1. Speech and communication skills: Evaluate the clarity of the speaker's expression and the logical reasoning of their arguments, which demonstrates their ability to convey information and persuade the audience
2. Team Collaboration and Performance: Consider the team's tacit cooperation in roadshows, including interactions between members and overall professionalism, which reflects the power of team collaboration
3. Quality of proposal: Evaluate the structure of the proposal, which is rigorous, concise and clear in content, and can clearly explain the project concept, goals, and advantages, demonstrating an organized and goal oriented project layout
4. PPT design and presentation: Emphasize the logical coherence and visual appeal of the PPT, which not only affects the effectiveness of information transmission, but also reflects the evaluation team's attention to detail and professionalism.

2、 Creative Group Rating Rules

Scoring PointsReview content and scoring criteriaScore
Product/Service1. Unique innovation of the product: Evaluating whether the product or service has significant differentiation characteristics and can bring new experiences and value to consumers will be a key factor in determining its market acceptance and competitiveness
2. Technological progressiveness and competitive advantage: check whether the core technology on which the product or service depends is in the forefront of the industry and whether it has obvious competitive advantages, such as patented technology, efficient process or unique design
3. Development planning and goal positioning: Evaluate whether there is a clear and practical production or service development strategy, as well as a precise grasp of the target customer group, which will directly affect the smooth implementation and success of the business.
Team situation1. Professional quality of the team: Consider whether team members have educational backgrounds and rich work experience in relevant fields, which will ensure the professional level of project execution and problem-solving ability
2. Team collaboration and skill complementarity: Evaluating whether the division of labor within the team is clear and effective, and whether the skills of members can form good complementarity, is crucial for the efficient operation and innovation of the project
3. Organizational Structure and Ownership Distribution: Examining whether a company's organizational structure design is scientific, and whether the division of property rights and equity is fair and reasonable, has a significant impact on the company's long-term stability and decision-making efficiency.
Business Model and Marketing1. Innovative business models and their implementation potential: Evaluate whether the business model is novel, sustainable for achieving profitability, and has practical application possibilities in the current market environment
2. Market insight and trend grasp: Consider whether detailed market research has been conducted and whether the product or service can accurately understand industry trends and consumer needs, which determines whether the product or service can occupy a favorable position in competition
3. Marketing Strategy and Economic Benefits: Evaluate whether the marketing strategy has been carefully considered, cost control is reasonable, pricing strategy is effective, and marketing channels are unobstructed to ensure effective customer reach and sales conversion.
Financial Status and Financing Plan1. Stable cash flow and financial security: Examining a company's cash flow situation and whether it has sufficient sustainable funding sources to support future development are important indicators for measuring the healthy operation of the enterprise
2. Successful operational examples: Providing actual performance or successful cases of products/services can enhance investors' confidence in the project's prospects, prove its market adaptability and profitability
3. Future Financial Expectations and Growth Potential: Elaborate on the financial forecast for the next three years, including revenue, profit, and key costs, as well as the growth analysis based on these forecasts, which can help evaluate the likelihood of investment returns
4. Project valuation and financing strategy: Clearly display the project valuation and reasonable financing plan, including required funds, expected investment returns, and equity structure arrangements, which are crucial for attracting investors.
Intellectual Property Protection and Risk Management1. Strengthen the intellectual property protection system: Emphasize that enterprises have comprehensively protected their core technologies and products, ensuring effective legal protection of intellectual property rights through forms such as trademark registration, patent application, and copyright registration
2. Institutionalization of intellectual property management: It indicates that the company has a sound intellectual property management system, including policies, processes, and compliance operations, to safeguard the innovation achievements of the enterprise from infringement
3. Risk identification and management strategies: Demonstrate the sensitivity of the enterprise to potential intellectual property risks during the entrepreneurial process, such as competitor imitation, infringement behavior, etc., as well as the preventive and response measures formulated, demonstrating the maturity of risk management.
On site performance1. Speech and communication skills: Evaluate the clarity of the speaker's expression and the logical reasoning of their arguments, which demonstrates their ability to convey information and persuade the audience
2. Team Collaboration and Performance: Consider the team's tacit cooperation in roadshows, including interactions between members and overall professionalism, which reflects the power of team collaboration
3. Quality of proposal: Evaluate the structure of the proposal, which is rigorous, concise and clear in content, and can clearly explain the project concept, goals, and advantages, demonstrating an organized and goal oriented project layout
4. PPT design and presentation: Emphasize the logical coherence and visual appeal of the PPT, which not only affects the effectiveness of information transmission, but also reflects the evaluation team's attention to detail and professionalism.

3、 Manual Group Scoring Rules

Scoring PointsReview content and scoring criteriaScore
Product/Service1. Unique innovation of the product: Evaluating whether the product or service has significant differentiation characteristics and can bring new experiences and value to consumers will be a key factor in determining its market acceptance and competitiveness
2. Technological progressiveness and competitive advantage: check whether the core technology on which the product or service depends is in the forefront of the industry and whether it has obvious competitive advantages, such as patented technology, efficient process or unique design
3. Development planning and goal positioning: Evaluate whether there is a clear and practical production or service development strategy, as well as a precise grasp of the target customer group, which will directly affect the smooth implementation and success of the business.
Team situation1. Professional quality of the team: Consider whether team members have cultural backgrounds and rich work experience in the relevant field, which will ensure the professional level of project execution and problem-solving ability
2. Team collaboration and skill complementarity: Evaluating whether the division of labor within the team is clear and effective, and whether the skills of members can form good complementarity, is crucial for the efficient operation and innovation of the project
3. Organizational Structure and Ownership Distribution: Examining whether a company's organizational structure design is scientific, and whether the division of property rights and equity is fair and reasonable, has a significant impact on the company's long-term stability and decision-making efficiency.
Business Model and Marketing1. Innovative business models and their implementation potential: Evaluate whether the business model is novel, sustainable for achieving profitability, and has practical application possibilities in the current market environment
2. Market insight and trend grasp: Consider whether detailed market research has been conducted and whether the product or service can accurately understand industry trends and consumer needs, which determines whether the product or service can occupy a favorable position in competition
3. Marketing Strategy and Economic Benefits: Evaluate whether the marketing strategy has been carefully considered, cost control is reasonable, pricing strategy is effective, and marketing channels are unobstructed to ensure effective customer reach and sales conversion.
Financial status, social benefits, and financing plan1. Stable cash flow and funding strategy: Evaluate the company's cash flow health and whether there are sufficient sustainable funding sources to support business expansion and address potential challenges
2. Successful Practice and Performance Proof: Provide specific product/service success cases to demonstrate their commercial benefits and market influence through data or facts
3. Social responsibility and policy orientation: Emphasize the positive contribution of the project in supporting women's employment and entrepreneurship, as well as its positive role in consolidating poverty alleviation achievements and rural revitalization, highlighting the social value of the enterprise
4. Future Financial Forecast and Growth Potential: Briefly outline the financial expectations for the next three years, including revenue growth, cost control, and profit forecasts, to demonstrate the potential for sustainable development of the project<5. Financing Strategy and Value Assessment: Clarify project valuation and financing needs, including financing objectives, expected returns, and equity structure arrangements, to attract potential investors' interest.
Intellectual Property Protection and Risk Management1. Strengthen the intellectual property protection system: Emphasize that enterprises have comprehensively protected their core technologies and products, ensuring effective legal protection of intellectual property rights through forms such as trademark registration, patent application, and copyright registration
2. Institutionalization of intellectual property management: It indicates that the company has a sound intellectual property management system, including policies, processes, and compliance operations, to safeguard the innovation achievements of the enterprise from infringement
3. Risk identification and management strategies: Demonstrate the sensitivity of the enterprise to potential intellectual property risks during the entrepreneurial process, such as competitor imitation, infringement behavior, etc., as well as the preventive and response measures formulated, demonstrating the maturity of risk management.
On site performance1. Speech and communication skills: Evaluate the clarity of the speaker's expression and the logical reasoning of their arguments, which demonstrates their ability to convey information and persuade the audience
2. Team Collaboration and Performance: Consider the team's tacit cooperation in roadshows, including interactions between members and overall professionalism, which reflects the power of team collaboration
3. Quality of proposal: Evaluate the structure of the proposal, which is rigorous, concise and clear in content, and can clearly explain the project concept, goals, and advantages, demonstrating an organized and goal oriented project layout
4. PPT design and presentation: Emphasize the logical coherence and visual appeal of the PPT, which not only affects the effectiveness of information transmission, but also reflects the evaluation team's attention to detail and professionalism.

4、 Rating Rules for Homestay Group

Scoring PointsReview content and scoring criteriaScore
Product/Service1. Unique brand positioning and differentiation advantages: Emphasizing the distinct theme or characteristics of homestays, as well as their unique positioning in the market, giving them strong brand recognition and attractiveness
2. Target market fit and personalized service: Confirm that the homestay can accurately target the target customer group, provide targeted high-quality services, focus on meeting customer needs, and pursue high customer satisfaction
3. Customer Relationship Management and Feedback Mechanism: Evaluate the importance that homestays place on establishing good customer relationships, as well as their ability to communicate effectively and handle feedback in a timely manner, which is beneficial for continuous improvement and customer loyalty enhancement
4. Innovative services and improved accommodation experience: Investigate whether homestays enhance customers' accommodation experience and increase customer retention rates through unique services or facilities, such as customized activities, unique decorations, or high-end amenities.
Team situation1. Professional quality of the team: Consider whether team members have educational backgrounds and rich work experience in relevant fields, which will ensure the professional level of project execution and problem-solving ability
2. Team collaboration and skill complementarity: Evaluating whether the division of labor within the team is clear and effective, and whether the skills of members can form good complementarity, is crucial for the efficient operation and innovation of the project
3. Organizational Structure and Ownership Distribution: Examining whether a company's organizational structure design is scientific, and whether the division of property rights and equity is fair and reasonable, has a significant impact on the company's long-term stability and decision-making efficiency.
Business Model and Marketing1. Innovative business models and their implementation potential: Evaluate whether the business model is novel, sustainable for achieving profitability, and has practical application possibilities in the current market environment
2. Market insight and trend grasp: Consider whether detailed market research has been conducted and whether the product or service can accurately understand industry trends and consumer needs, which determines whether the product or service can occupy a favorable position in competition
3. Marketing Strategy and Economic Benefits: Evaluate whether the marketing strategy has been carefully considered, cost control is reasonable, pricing strategy is effective, and marketing channels are unobstructed to ensure effective customer reach and sales conversion.
Financial Status and Financing Plan1. Stable cash flow and financial security: Examining a company's cash flow situation and whether it has sufficient sustainable funding sources to support future development are important indicators for measuring the healthy operation of the enterprise
2. Successful operational examples: Providing actual performance or successful cases of products/services can enhance investors' confidence in the project's prospects, prove its market adaptability and profitability
3. Future Financial Expectations and Growth Potential: Elaborate on the financial forecast for the next three years, including revenue, profit, and key costs, as well as the growth analysis based on these forecasts, which can help evaluate the likelihood of investment returns
4. Project valuation and financing strategy: Clearly display the project valuation and reasonable financing plan, including required funds, expected investment returns, and equity structure arrangements, which are crucial for attracting investors.
Intellectual Property Protection and Risk Management1. Strengthen the intellectual property protection system: Emphasize that enterprises have comprehensively protected their core brands and products, ensuring effective legal protection of intellectual property rights through forms such as trademark registration, patent application, and copyright registration
2. Institutionalization of intellectual property management: It indicates that the company has a sound intellectual property management system, including policies, processes, and compliance operations, to safeguard the innovation achievements of the enterprise from infringement
3. Risk identification and management strategies: Demonstrate the sensitivity of the enterprise to potential intellectual property risks during the entrepreneurial process, such as competitor imitation, infringement behavior, etc., as well as the preventive and response measures formulated, demonstrating the maturity of risk management.
social results1. Economic promotion and social impact: Evaluate the role of homestay operation in promoting local economic prosperity, such as by promoting the development of surrounding tourism and related industries, as well as creating employment opportunities, reflecting its positive contribution to the community economy
2. Community integration and environmental protection: Considering the cultural exchange and harmonious integration demonstrated by homestays in their interaction with the local community, as well as their attention and practice of environmental protection during operation, this demonstrates their responsible business attitude and sustainable development concept.
On site performance1. Speech and communication skills: Evaluate the clarity of the speaker's expression and the logical reasoning of their arguments, which demonstrates their ability to convey information and persuade the audience
2. Team Collaboration and Performance: Consider the team's tacit cooperation in roadshows, including interactions between members and overall professionalism, which reflects the power of team collaboration
3. Quality of proposal: Evaluate the structure of the proposal, which is rigorous, concise and clear in content, and can clearly explain the project concept, goals, and advantages, demonstrating an organized and goal oriented project layout
4. PPT design and presentation: Emphasize the logical coherence and visual appeal of the PPT, which not only affects the effectiveness of information transmission, but also reflects the evaluation team's attention to detail and professionalism.

5、 Scoring Rules for Out of Province Groups

Scoring PointsReview content and scoring criteriaScore
Product/Service1. Unique innovation of the product: Evaluating whether the product or service has significant differentiation characteristics and can bring new experiences and value to consumers will be a key factor in determining its market acceptance and competitiveness
2. Technological progressiveness and competitive advantage: check whether the core technology on which the product or service depends is in the forefront of the industry and whether it has obvious competitive advantages, such as patented technology, efficient process or unique design
3. Development planning and goal positioning: Evaluate whether there is a clear and practical production or service development strategy, as well as a precise grasp of the target customer group, which will directly affect the smooth implementation and success of the business.
Team situation1. Professional quality of the team: Consider whether team members have educational backgrounds and rich work experience in relevant fields, which will ensure the professional level of project execution and problem-solving ability
2. Team collaboration and skill complementarity: Evaluating whether the division of labor within the team is clear and effective, and whether the skills of members can form good complementarity, is crucial for the efficient operation and innovation of the project
3. Organizational Structure and Ownership Distribution: Examining whether a company's organizational structure design is scientific, and whether the division of property rights and equity is fair and reasonable, has a significant impact on the company's long-term stability and decision-making efficiency.
Business Model and Marketing1. Innovative business models and their implementation potential: Evaluate whether the business model is novel, sustainable for achieving profitability, and has practical application possibilities in the current market environment
2. Market insight and trend grasp: Consider whether detailed market research has been conducted and whether the product or service can accurately understand industry trends and consumer needs, which determines whether the product or service can occupy a favorable position in competition
3. Marketing Strategy and Economic Benefits: Evaluate whether the marketing strategy has been carefully considered, cost control is reasonable, pricing strategy is effective, and marketing channels are unobstructed to ensure effective customer reach and sales conversion.
Financial Status and Financing Plan1. Stable cash flow and financial security: Examining a company's cash flow situation and whether it has sufficient sustainable funding sources to support future development are important indicators for measuring the healthy operation of the enterprise
2. Successful operational examples: Providing actual performance or successful cases of products/services can enhance investors' confidence in the project's prospects, prove its market adaptability and profitability
3. Future Financial Expectations and Growth Potential: Elaborate on the financial forecast for the next three years, including revenue, profit, and key costs, as well as the growth analysis based on these forecasts, which can help evaluate the likelihood of investment returns
4. Project valuation and financing strategy: Clearly display the project valuation and reasonable financing plan, including required funds, expected investment returns, and equity structure arrangements, which are crucial for attracting investors.
Intellectual Property Protection and Risk Management1. Strengthen the intellectual property protection system: Emphasize that enterprises have comprehensively protected their core technologies and products, ensuring effective legal protection of intellectual property rights through forms such as trademark registration, patent application, and copyright registration
2. Institutionalization of intellectual property management: It indicates that the company has a sound intellectual property management system, including policies, processes, and compliance operations, to safeguard the innovation achievements of the enterprise from infringement
3. Risk identification and management strategies: Demonstrate the sensitivity of the enterprise to potential intellectual property risks during the entrepreneurial process, such as competitor imitation, infringement behavior, etc., as well as the preventive and response measures formulated, demonstrating the maturity of risk management.
Development prospects in line with Hainan's actual situation and implementation plan in Hainan1. Consistency with Hainan Free Trade Port Strategy: The project should clearly integrate closely with the development strategy of Hainan Free Trade Port, demonstrate foresight in line with Hainan's industrial planning, and have a clear implementation path and long-term development goals
2. Employment creation and industrial linkage effect: After landing in Hainan, it is expected to drive the growth of employment opportunities for women and the surrounding industrial chain, which reflects the project's ability to promote employment and its positive impact on the diversified development of the regional economy.
On site performance1. Speech and communication skills: Evaluate the clarity of the speaker's expression and the logical reasoning of their arguments, which demonstrates their ability to convey information and persuade the audience
2. Team Collaboration and Performance: Consider the team's tacit cooperation in roadshows, including interactions between members and overall professionalism, which reflects the power of team collaboration
3. Quality of proposal: Evaluate the structure of the proposal, which is rigorous, concise and clear in content, and can clearly explain the project concept, goals, and advantages, demonstrating an organized and goal oriented project layout
4. PPT design and presentation: Emphasize the logical coherence and visual appeal of the PPT, which not only affects the effectiveness of information transmission, but also reflects the evaluation team's attention to detail and professionalism.