Copyright Terms

  1. All entries and related materials sent to the Organizer will not be returned.

  2. Entrant must ensure that their works are created entirely on their own or by a team which they are a member of. In the case of plagiarism, the Entrant responsible will be disqualified.

  3. Entrants shall not transfer their entry to any third party or allow any third party to use their work during the competition. No individual or organization may use the work of this competition for any commercial purpose without the authorization of the Organizer.

  4. Entrants or the participating organization will be held responsible for any disputes arising during the competition, including portrait rights, reputation rights, privacy rights, copyrights and trademark rights. (The Organizer assumes no liability or responsibility for any disputes that may occur.)

  5. The Organizer shall enjoy all the property rights of the entries and the right to publish the works from the time of receipt of the entries.

  6. The Organizer holds the rights to broadcast and adapt the entries, and the rights to commercial use and preferential dealership of finalist and winning works.

  7. The Organizer holds the right to use the intellectual property rights (including copyrights, patents) of the winning works, and the right to use for free the winning works for non-profit purposes.

  8. The Organizer will pay for any use for commercial purposes of the winning work based on the agreement with the creator or the creative team of the work.

Privacy Policy

“Confidential information” includes, but is not limited to, competition plan, competition rules, referee information and other information related to this competition.

The form of "confidential information" includes, but is not limited to, written materials (including photocopies, faxes, electronic scanned copies), electronic texts, audio-visual materials and verbal statements.

Confidentiality Obligation

  • 1. Without the written consent of the Organizer, the Entrant shall not disclose the confidential information under this agreement to any third party or use the confidential information under this agreement in any other way, except in the following situations:

    • (1) The confidential information disclosed is known to the public (but the reason that such information is known to the public is not due to the breach of confidentiality obligations by one party);

    • (2) Disclosure of confidential information is due to the mandatory requirements of relevant laws and regulations, and the decisions and orders of judicial authorities;

    • (3) The Entrant has legally obtained the information from an unrelated third party without violating this agreement and is not subject to confidentiality obligations;

  • 2. Entrants are required to strictly limit the access to confidential information by the Entrant's staff, external professional bodies and their staff who must access the confidential information for the fulfillment of the purposes of this Agreement.

  • 3. Entrants must ensure that the parties who have access to the confidential information in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph strictly keep the information confidential and assume the same confidentiality obligations as the Entrants, to ensure that their confidentiality obligations of the confidential information under this agreement are not lower than that of the Entrant, or reach a reasonable level approved by the Organizer. If the above-mentioned personnel leak the confidential information specified in this agreement, it shall be deemed that the Entrant violates the confidentiality obligation under this agreement, and the Entrant shall bear full legal responsibility for the leakage of the above-mentioned personnel.

  • 4. If the Entrant (including the Entrant’s personnel, external professional bodies and their staff with access to the confidential information) use the obtained confidential information, without obtaining written consent from the Organizer beforehand, to conduct a transaction with any third party on their own that may prove to be disadvantageous to the project, it will be deemed that the Entrant has breached the confidentiality obligation under this Agreement, and the Entrant shall bear the legal liability stipulated in this Agreement.

Confidentiality Period

The period of confidentiality begins when the Entrant gets access to, or is informed of, the confidential information, until the date when said confidential information becomes public information, or information available through public access, or when the owner of the information does not consider it to be confidential. Regardless of whether the Entrant and the Organizer agree to further cooperate on the project, such an agreement does not affect the Entrant's obligations to keep confidential information confidential.

Return of Information and Materials

In order to ensure that confidential information is kept strictly confidential, the Entrant promises that if the two parties fail to cooperate on project for any reason, all materials related to the above-mentioned confidential information shall be returned to the Organizer within 3 (three) working days after the Entrant receives the notice from the Organizer. If there is any record of confidential information in the computer system of the Entrant, the Entrant shall delete it within 3 (three) working days after the completion of the above work. At the same time, the Entrant shall issue to the Organizer a written confirmation stating that the Entrant has returned all confidential information to the Organizer in accordance with this stipulation and that any relevant confidential information in the computer system has been deleted.

Liability for Breach

If the Entrant violates this agreement and divulges the confidential information of the Organizer to any third party, the Entrant shall compensate the Organizer for all losses incurred, including, but not limited to, direct losses, loss of predictable profits, arbitration fees, legal fees, attorney fees, travel and other reasonable expenses.

The Entrant confirms that, before signing the terms and conditions, all the content has been reviewed in detail, and the Entrant fully understands and agrees to the legal meaning of the terms of the agreement.
