土地公公家庙 Land Gong Gong's Temple


中国人对土地一直都有深厚的情感,各地也都有“土地公公”这样的神像,也有形形色色的他的家庙。我们站在无想山的土地上,看着这儿生长的丰厚的生命,相信必有神灵在庇佑。设计选址永和线茶山,此处茶山连绵悠长,大地裂开口,拱起形成一个庇护的空间,不必再放置任何偶像,从茶山生长出的构筑物已经表达了来自大地深处的力量,这就是土地神灵的家。 The Chinese people have always had a deep feeling for the land, and there are gods like "Land Gong Gong" everywhere, as well as various kinds of his temples. We stand on the land of Wuxiangshan and look at the abundant life growing here. We believe that there must be a God to protect us.The design site is in Yonghe Line Tea Mountain, where the tea mountain is long, the earth is cracked and arched to form a shelter space. No more idols need to be placed. The structures grown from the tea mountain have expressed the power from the deep earth, which is the home of the land gods