Call on for manuscripts

The event is organized by Singapore International Children's Media (SICM) under the auspices of the International Ministry Of Youth Leadership (SINGAPORE) and co-organized by the Federation of Arts Society Singapore (FASS)and the Youth Century International Arts Education Centre (YCAC), an international youth art competition that will bring together more than 100 international institutions and 200 leading artists from over 40 countries around the world.



International Ministry Of Youth Leadership(SINGAPORE) 


Singapore International Children Media(SICM)


Federation of Arts Society Singapore (FASS)

Youth Century Arts Center (YCAC)

4、Panel of judges:

The panel of judges is a joint effort of experts recommended by the Federation Of Arts Society Singapore (FASS)and various art associations from China, Malaysia, Korea, Japan and the Philippines.

Selection steps

Singapore International Art Tournament

Singapore International Invitational Tournament

Singapore Preliminary Contest, Singapore Semi-Finals, Singapore Final

Details and timeline

Stage 1

Singapore International Art Tournament

10 September to 20 November 2022

Stage 2 Singapore international invitational tournament

1 January to 26 February 2023

  • Singapore
    Preliminary contest

    1 January
    15 January 2023

  • Singapore

    21 January
    5 February 2023

  • Singapore

    10 February
    20 February 2023

Stage 3

International Awards Ceremony

25 February to 26 February 2023

Stage 4

International Children's Art Exhibition

February 2023 to December 2023


The selected authors
of the audition will receive

The selected authors of the audition will receive

A). a certificate jointly issued by the organizers and co-organizers with regional gold, silver, bronze and merit awards.

B). The original work will be returned after the exhibition and the display platform will own the digital copyrights.

C). The artworks will be included in the《 International Youth Arts Festival - Art Competition》appraisal painting album.

D). The author will be admitted to the International Ministry Of Youth Leadership Club as a member.

Winners of the International
Invitational Tournament will receive

A). A certificate jointly issued by the organizers and co-organizers, as well as international gold, silver, bronze, merit awards and bonus.

B). The artwork will be sent to the Singapore International Children's Art Exhibition.

C). The original artwork will be donated to the organizer for free and keep in Singapore.

D).The artworks will be included in the《 International Youth Arts Festival - Art Competition》exhibition painting album.

E). The author will be admitted to the International Ministry Of Youth Leadership Club as a permanent member.

F). The winner of the Gold Award will receive a scholarship of $2,000 and a certificate of award from the International Ministry Of Youth Leadership Foundation .

G). The winner of the Silver Award will receive a scholarship of $1,000 and a certificate of award from the International Ministry Of Youth Leadership Foundation.

H). The winner of the Bronze Award will receive a scholarship of $500 and a certificate of award from the International Ministry Of Youth Leadership Foundation.

I). The winner of the Merit Award will receive a scholarship of $100 and a certificate of award from the International Ministry Of Youth Leadership Foundation.

J). Will be invited to the International Youth Arts Festival Awards Gala in Singapore.


The international competition entry topic : My homeland and I 

The artworks should showcase the harmony of nationalities, customs and people, national landscape,technological development,energy saving,environmental protection, highlighting the characteristics of art without borders.

Requirements for the artworks

Works should have a prominent theme, be positive and have a deep meaning. Each participant may enter more than one category, and may submit one entry per category at a time.

All artworks must be original works that have not been published and must not infringe on the copyright and intellectual property rights of others.

All artworks should have a prominent theme, be positive and have a deep meaning.

Each participant can participate into more than one category and can submit one artwork per category at a time.

Competition Categories

Real-name registration, divided into institutional and individual registration, with submission of independently created artworks by children.

Early Children

Early Children Category (born between January 2018-January 2012)


Children Category (born between January 2012 and January 2007)

Earth Youth

Earth Youth Category (born between January 2007-January 2002)


Youth Category (born between January 2002 and January 1997)


Chinese ink painting category

Calligraphy category

Western painting category

Creative design category

3D Creation(ceramic/sculpture) category

Instructions for participants

1. Participants are required to prepare a recent high-resolution photograph, which will be included in the Art Festival brochure, and to present a copy of their valid identity card.

2. Registration is by real-name, divided into institutional and individual registration.

  For institutional registration, please contact the organizer of the platform at or on We Chat: yueqingyouyue2020 

  For individual registration, please register at download the application form from the homepage of the website 

3. Registration fee: free 

4. Artworks should be submitted to ,This website will open on 8 September 2022

5. Uploads will be available from 8 September 2022 to 20 February 2023

6. Western paintings should not exceed 120x120cm in size, Chinese ink paintings and calligraphy should not exceed 50x70cm in size after framing with pixels not less than 1024*768.

7. The format of the images should only be JPG, JPEG or PNG, with a file size of no more than 5MB and a resolution of no less than 300 DPI.

8. Fill in the application form (attached) and provide a brief introduction in Chinese or English in 200 words or less, a short video 3 minutes of yourself and your process of creating the artworks.

9. If the work is shortlisted, the participant must submit the original work and the specific mailing address, related matters will be notified by the Organizing Committee.

10. If the work is selected, the author must submit the original work and a short video of 1-3 minutes self-introduction, and the original work will be mailed to the exhibition after notification by the organizing committee. Works that are not suitable for mailing will be exhibited in the form of pictures. Works to be exhibited must be accompanied by a letter of consent to use the IP of the work and signed by a legal guardian. If the work is selected for the Singapore International Exhibition Invitational, the author has to arrange for postage or transportation on his/her own, and the organizer will not be responsible for any liability incurred in the process. After the exhibition, the exhibited works will be donated by the author free of charge and kept at the Singapore Art Museum or by the organizer. The organizers have the final say on these donations.

Arrangements for the selection of works

A) The results of the selection of artworks will be posted on the official blog and the official website 

B) For selected artworks, the author must send the original artwork to the designated address according to the specified time. Please do not frame the work,and need to pay for own postage free. The delivery time and address will be notified by email.

Hosting rights:

The organizing committee of this exhibition has the copyright to exhibit, print, publish, distribute, broadcast, video and screen all selected works.

All participants are deemed to have confirmed and complied with the provisions of the call for entries.

Information on the exhibition can be viewed at (the official website of the event).

In case of force majeure factors such as epidemic, the exhibition cannot be displayed on site, the exhibition will be transferred to an online exhibition.

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