The Past, The Present, And Beyond


Using a mixture of various buildings and monuments scattered throughout Indonesia, I created an artwork based on those structures. Including structures from both the past and more recent ones to represent our land; the monuments of the past are a testimony to the past, our achievements, and predecessors, while the more recent ones represent the recent developments and advancements of Indonesia. Among the monuments of the past that were included are Monas, Hotel Yamato, and Bambu Runcing. Each of these respective monuments all embody the spirit of Indonesian Independence. Monas, represents the battle for Indonesian Independence as a whole. Meanwhile Hotel Yamato represents the Yamato Hotel Incident, wherein Surabayan citizens captured the then Dutch stronghold and showed the world that they can indeed win against the Dutch and gain independence. Finally, Bambu Runcing represents how the Indonesian citizens fought and won the battle for independence, despite the then terrible odds. Meanwhile, the more recents constructs represent Indonesia's growing economy; Suramadu Bridge represents the unification of Indonesia as a whole, rather than as separate communities, while Autograph Tower, as the tallest building in the entirety of the southern hemisphere, represents the prospering economic situation of Indonesia and its growing technological advancements. Additionally, Signature Tower represents the possibility of Indonesia growing to be much greater than it is today.


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