Executive Member of the Council, China National Interior Decoration Association.
Deputy Director, Design Committee, CNIDA.
Deputy Director, Contest and Exhibition Committee.
In 1996, China Book Prize winner, "Liang Sicheng, the Architect".
In 2001, organized the first China Residential Interior Design Online Contest, the China Interior Design Hand Drawn Rendering Contest, and China Interior & Architecture Photography Contest.
In 2003, supervised the edit and publication of "China Interior Designer's Certification Training".
In 2004, brought the famous "INTERIOR DESIGN" into China.
In 2005, brought the famous American magazine "HOTELS" into China. Created the China Interior Design Annual Cover Character.
In 2006, brought the famous German magazine "DETAIL" into China. Planned and organized the "Shanghai International Architecture and Interior Design Festival", and "the Golden Bund" award. Brought the American "Hall of Fame, Design" into China.
In 2007, brought Netherland’s FRAM magazine into China. Created the "China Foundation for Interior Design Education & Research" in order to provide funding to college students studying design. Compiled and published "100 Years of Interior Design". Planned and organized "Masters Selecting their own Assistants" event.
In 2008, brought Italian famous magazine "AERA" into China.
In 2009, planned and implemented the "12 Space - Chinese Life Style Exhibition" during Beijing Design Week.